writing or talking it is often useful to compare one thing to something else in
order to get a point across. This comparison generally takes one of two forms:
a comparison of inequality (e.g. “the student is smarter than his
teacher”) or a comparison of equality (e.g. “Ronaldo is as fast as
a cheetah”).
Unequal Comparisons
Unequal Comparisons with Adjectives
In English, we typically
add “-er” to an adjective and combine it with the word “than”
to make unequal comparisons. In Spanish, however, we can’t just add “-er”
to an adjective. Instead we need to use the word más in front
of our adjective. And instead of “than” we’ll use que:
estudiante es más inteligente que su maestro.
The student is smarter than his teacher.
our Spanish formula looks like this:
+ adjective + que
Some more examples:
es más alta que Rigoberta.
is taller than Rigoberta.
libro es más largo que la Biblia.
The book is longer than the Bible.
Unequal Comparisons with Nouns and Adverbs
But we
don’t need to limit ourselves to adjectives. We can apply this formula to
adverbs and nouns as well:
+ adverb + que
+ noun + que
Some adverb examples:
Alberto trabaja más rápidamente
que Ramón.
Alberto works more quickly
than Ramón.
Consuelo conduce
más cuidadosamente que Sabrina.
drives more cautiously than Sabrina.
Some noun
Isabel tiene más
dinero que Óscar.
Isabel has more money
than Óscar.
Hay más días
en diciembre que en febrero.
There are more days
in December than in February.
Unequal Comparisons with Verbs
We can also use a similar construction
to make unequal comparisons based on verbs:
+ más que
Some verb examples:
estudia más que Jorge.
Paulo studies
more than Jorge.
Mi perro ladra
más que tu perro.
My dog barks more
than your dog.
We don’t need to limit ourselves to saying más, we can also use menos:
álgebra es menos interesante que la química.
Algebra is less interesting than chemistry.
Sr. Lopez habla menos claramente
que el Sr. Gutierrez.
Mr. Lopez speaks less clearly
than Mr. Gutierrez.
Raquel tiene
menos amigas que Alegría.
Raquel has less (fewer) friends than Alegría.
corre menos que Rafael.
Pepe runs
less than Rafael.
Irregular Unequal Comparisons
As always, we do have some exceptions to using the
formula. There are some “irregular” adjectives when making comparisons:
don’t use:
más bueno
worse |
peor |
más malo |
younger |
menor |
más joven / más pequeno |
older |
mayor |
más viejo / más grande |
And there are some irregular adverbs as well:
don’t use:
más bien
worse |
peor |
más mal |
Some examples:
notas son buenas pero las tuyas son mejores.
My grades are good but your grades are better.
jugó mal pero Pilar jugó peor.
Elisa played poorly but Pilar played worse.
Comparisons with Numbers
When we compare nouns with numbers, we switch
the que to a de. Some examples:
biblioteca tiene más de 10.000 libros.
The library has more
than 10,000 books.
dice que tiene más de 60 zapatos!
Carmen says that she has
more than 60 shoes!
El quiosco
vende menos de diez revistas diferentes.
The newsstand sells less
than ten different magazines.
Equal Comparisons
Equal Comparisons with Adjectives
When making
equal comparisons in English we use the formula “as” + adjective + “as.”
In Spanish the formula is a little different:
+ adjective + como
Some examples:
es tan alta como Rigoberta.
Juana as tall
as Rigoberta.
El libro es tan
largo como la Biblia.
The book is as long
as the Bible.
Equal Comparisons with Adverbs
Once again we don’t need to limit ourselves to adjectives.
We can also use adverbs:
tan +
adverb + como
Some adverb examples:
Alberto trabaja tan rápidamente
como Ramón.
Alberto works as quickly
as Ramón.
Consuelo conduce
tan cuidadosamente como Sabrina.
drives as cautiously as Sabrina.
Equal Comparisons with Nouns
So what do
we do with nouns? Well, the formula is similar, but now instead of tan
we use the word “tanto”:
+ noun + como
For example:
tiene tanto dinero como Óscar.
has as much money as Óscar.
This is only part
of the story however, because “tanto” is functioning as an adjective
and as such it needs to agree in gender and in number with the noun that it modifies.
So our full range of possibilities looks like this:
tanto + masculine singular noun + como
tantos + masculine plural noun + como
tanta + feminine singular noun + como
tantas + feminine plural noun + como
Note: The translation of tanto, tantos, tanta or tantas is “as much” or “as many.”
Some examples (notice
which form of tanto is used):
tantos días en julio como en agosto.
There are as many days in July as in August.
hace tanta tarea como Adolfo.
does as much homework as Adolfo.
tiene tantas amigas como Alegría.
Raquel has as many friends as Alegría.
Equal Comparisons with Verbs
We can make equal comparisons with verbs as well. Here’s the formula:
+ tanto como
And here are some verb examples:
estudia tanto como Jorge.
Paulo studies
as much as Jorge.
Mi perro ladra
tanto como tu perro.
My dog barks as much
as your dog.
That takes care of comparisons. What else can we do?
Instead of comparing one thing to something else, we can also put it
at the top or bottom of an entire category. (e.g. Mateo is the smartest. Mexico
City is the biggest.). This is known as a “superlative.”
In English
to form a superlative, we usually add “-est” to an adjective. We need
to do something very different in Spanish, however. We’re going to start with
an article and add más and an adjective:
es el más inteligente.
Mateo is
the smartest.
ciudad de México es la más grande.
Mexico City is the biggest.
The formula
looks like this:
article + más + adjective
we could also use menos in place of más:
es el menos inteligente.
Felipe is the
least intelligent.
El Salvador es el menos grande.
El Salvador
is the smallest (least big).
If we wanted to
be more specific as to what we are talking about, we can include a noun with our
Mateo es el estudiante
más inteligente.
Mateo is the smartest
ciudad de México es la ciudad más
Mexico City is the biggest
And finally, if we want to explain exactly
what the group or category our superlative belongs to, we can follow up with a
de and specifically state our group.
es el estudiante más inteligente
de la clase.
Mateo is the smartest student
in the class.
La ciudad de México
es la ciudad más grande
de las Américas.
Mexico City is the biggest
city of the Americas.
If you’re scoring at
home, the formula now looks like this:
+ noun + más + adjective
+ de + group
Irregular Superlatives
We use the same irregular adjectives for superlatives as we do with comparatives:
don’t use:
más bueno
worst |
peor |
más malo |
youngest |
menor |
más joven / más pequeno |
oldest |
mayor |
más viejo / más grande |
Some examples:
Carlito es el mejor jugador del equipo.
Carlito is the best player on the team.
«Battlefield Earth» es la peor película que he visto.
“Battlefield Earth” is the worst movie I have seen.
Ella es la hija menor de la familia.
She is the youngest child in the family.
Note: Contrary to the formula above, mejor and peor are usually placed in front of nouns.
Absolute Superlatives
Note: You can also use muy or sumamente to create an absolute superlative: Sancho es muy alto. / Sancho es sumamente alto.
There is another
way to convey a superlative sense to something. To do so take your average, every
day adjective, remove the “-o” and add “-ísimo” to
Mi amigo Sancho es alto.
friend Sancho is tall.
amigo Sancho es altísimo.
My friend Sancho is extremely tall.
As always, adjectives agree is gender and in number with the nouns
they modify, so:
-a |
→ |
-ísima |
-os |
→ |
-ísimos |
-as |
→ |
-ísimas |
For example:
Las actrices son guapas.
actresses are beautiful.
actrices son guapísimas.
The actresses are very beautiful.
Of course not all adjectives end in a “-o” or “-a,”
and there are some spelling changes necessary to keep pronunciation consistent.
If the adjective you want to work with ends in “-le”, remove
the “le” and add “-ilísimo”:
Mi amiga es amable.
My friend
is nice.
Mi amiga es amabilísima.
My friend is the nicest.
If your adjective
ends in “-co” or “-ca”, change the “c” to a “qu”:
Su padre es rico.
His dad is rich.
Su padre
es riquísimo.
His dad is really rich.
your adjective ends in “-go” or “ga”, change the “g”
to a “gu”:
La película fue larga.
The movie was long.
película fue larguísima.
The movie was incredibly long.
If your adjective ends in “-z”, change the “z”
to a “c”:
El tigre es feroz.
The tiger
is ferocious.
El tigre es
The tiger is very ferocious.
Note: In some cases the prefix will also change: fortísimo (very strong), novísimo (brand new).
your adjective ends in a consonant, just add the ending. If your adjective includes
an accent, drop the accent before adding the ending:
El español es fácil.
Spanish is easy.
español es facilísimo.
Spanish is the easiest.