start with the good news: there is (almost) no difference between the way that
we write numbers in Spanish and the way we write them in English. The bad news
is that when we use numbers in conversation, they definitely aren’t pronounced
the same way. But whether you’ve picked it up from “Sesame Street” or
“Dora the Explorer” you probably already know at least a handful of
Spanish numbers. Keep reading to learn more.
Cardinal Numbers
A “cardinal number” is just a fancy term for a numbers
we use in counting things (or indicating times, dates, or ages).
Let’s take a trip through the Spanish cardinal numbers from
cero (0) to un trilión (1,000,000,000,000,000,000)
noticing some interesting quirks along the way.
Fun Fact: Cinco is the only Spanish number
with the same number of letters as the number it represents.
The first 10 numbers (as well as zero)
all have unique names:

cero |
zero |
0 |

uno |
one |
1 |

dos |
two |
2 |

tres |
three |
3 |

cuatro |
four |
4 |

cinco |
five |
5 |

seis |
six |
6 |

siete |
seven |
7 |

ocho |
eight |
8 |

nueve |
nine |
9 |

diez |
ten |
10 |
The next five also have unique names:

once |
eleven |
11 |

doce |
twelve |
12 |

trece |
thirteen |
13 |

catorce |
fourteen |
14 |

quince |
fifteen |
15 |
Note: There are two acceptable options for writing the
numbers 16 through 19. The “old-school” way is to say “ten
and six,” “ten and seven,” etc. The newer method is to combine
those words into one word. At that point the “z” in diez becomes a “c” and the “y” becomes an “i.” Both versions
are pronounced the same way. The shorter word is preferred nowadays.
After that the numbers come in combinations. You are literally saying
“ten and six,” “ten and seven,” “ten and eight,”

/ diez y seis |
sixteen |
16 |

diecisiete / diez
y siete |
seventeen |
17 |

dieciocho / diez y ocho |
eighteen |
18 |

/ diez y nueve |
nineteen |
19 |
Veinte means “twenty” and from that point on the pattern is very similar to
sixteen through nineteen; you are literally saying “twenty and one,”
“twenty and two,” etc.:
Note: Once again it is also preferable to condense these
numbers down to one word by replacing the trailing “-e”
and the “y” with an “i.” Twenty two, twenty three, and twenty
six will also need an additional accent mark.

veinte |
twenty |
20 |

veintiuno / veinte y uno |
twenty-one |
21 |

veintidós / veinte y dos |
twenty-two |
22 |

veintitrés / veinte y tres |
twenty-three |
23 |

veinticuatro / veinte y cuatro |
twenty-four |
24 |

veinticinco / veinte y cinco |
twenty-five |
25 |

veintiséis / veinte y seis |
twenty-six |
26 |

veintisiete / veinte y siete |
twenty-seven |
27 |

veintiocho / veinte y ocho |
twenty-eight |
28 |

veintinueve / veinte y nueve |
twenty-nine |
29 |
After veinte comes treinta and the same pattern is followed:
Note: After the twenties we no longer condense our numbers
into one word.

treinta |
thirty |
30 |

treinta y uno |
thirty-one |
31 |

treinta y dos |
thirty-two |
32 |

treinta y tres |
thirty-three |
33 |
etc. |
etc. |
All of the numbers in the forties, fifties, sixties, seventies,
eighties, and nineties work the same way as in the thirties:

cuarenta |
forty |
40 |

cincuenta |
fifty |
50 |

cincuenta y uno |
fifty-one |
51 |

sesenta |
sixty |
60 |

setenta |
seventy |
70 |

ochenta |
eighty |
80 |

ochenta y cinco |
eighty-five |
85 |

noventa |
ninety |
90 |
Technically ciento means “one hundred” in Spanish, but its shortened form, cien, is preferred when there are exactly 100 of something:

cien |
one hundred |
100 |

ciento uno |
one hundred one |
101 |

ciento dos |
one hundred two |
102 |

ciento tres |
one hundred three |
103 |
etc. |
etc. |
You may notice there is no longer any “y.” This is
because the “y” is only used to separate the 10’s place from the 1’s
place. If there is nothing in the 10’s place, we don’t use “y.”

ciento diez |
one hundred ten |
110 |

ciento veinte |
one hundred twenty |
120 |

ciento veintiuno |
one hundred twenty-one |
121 |

ciento treinta y cinco |
one hundred thirty five |
135 |
etc. |
etc. |
Note: The plural of cien is cientos (not cienes.)
Ciento is followed by:

doscientos |
two hundred |
200 |

doscientos cincuenta |
two hundred fifty |
250 |

trescientos |
three hundred |
300 |

cuatrocientos |
four hundred |
400 |

quinientos |
five hundred |
500 |

seiscientos |
six hundred |
600 |

setecientos |
seven hundred |
700 |

ochocientos |
eight hundred |
800 |

novecientos |
nine hundred |
900 |
“One thousand” in Spanish is mil. And we don’t say
un mil; it’s simply mil:

mil |
one thousand |
1.000 |

mil quinientos |
one thousand five hundred |
1.500 |

dos mil |
two thousand |
2.000 |

tres mil |
three thousand |
3.000 |
etc. |
etc. |
After the thousands comes the 10’s and 100’s of thousands:
Note: In compound numbers, use ciento if the number that follows is smaller than 100. Use cien if the number that follows is larger than 100.

diez mil |
ten thousand |
10.000 |

cien mil |
one hundred thousand |
100.000 |

ciento treinta mil |
one hundred thirty thousand |
130.000 |

doscientos mil |
two hundred thousand |
200.000 |

trescientos mil |
three hundred thousand |
300.000 |
etc. |
etc. |
Next, a thousand
thousand is a million or un millón. When we have more than one million, millón becomes millones:

un millón |
one million |
1.000.000 |

un millón doscientos mil |
one million two hundred thousand |
1.200.000 |

dos millones |
two million |
2.000.000 |

tres millones |
three million |
3.000.000 |
etc. |
etc. |
Note: This is not actually so much of a difference in languages
as it is a difference in ways of counting very large numbers. Historically there
is some disagreement even between English-speaking countries as to what exactly
“billion” represents.
Bonus: see Long and short scales 
Now things get a little weird. Adding three zeros to a million in English
gets us to a billion. But in Spanish it’s a mil millón, or
a thousand million. This throws the rest of the chart out of synch with what
we might expect as well:

mil millones |
one billion | |

dos mil millones |
two billion | |

un billón |
one trillion |
1012 |

mil billones |
one quadrillion |
1015 |

un trillón |
one quintillion |
1018 |
Cardinal Numbers as Adjectives
you’re simply counting numbers (like in “Hide and Seek” while your friends are
hiding) the list above is accurate. However, much of the time when we use a number
we follow it up with a noun, e.g. “six cars,” “24 tables,”
“38 houses,” etc. When we do this we’re actually using the number as
an adjective and some interesting things need to happen.
First of all uno
gets shortened to un when it comes before a masculine noun, and likewise
numbers ending in -uno are shortened to -ún (note
the accent mark). Ciento is also shortened to cien when
we’re dealing with exactly 100 of something. For example:
cien coches
ciento tres coches
as with other adjectives, we need to make our numbers agree in gender with
the nouns that they modify. However, this only happens with numbers ending in
-uno and words ending in -ientos (all of the “hundreds”
words from 200 to 900). For example:
masculine: |
feminine: |
coche |
una casa |
veintiún coches |
veintiuna casas |
cien coches |
cien casas |
coches |
casas |
Every part of a number that can agree with the
gender of the noun should agree. For example 654,321 tables would be written out
as seiscientas cincuenta y cuatro mil trescientas veintiuna mesas.
Lastly, numbers that end in millón, billón, trillón, etc. are followed by de:
un millón de casas
dos billones de dólares
dos millones quinientos mil dólares
Decimal Points and Commas
You may have noticed the
strange looking decimal points in the right hand column above. This is not a typo.
The majority of Spanish-speaking countries do the opposite of English-speaking
countries when it comes to decimal points and grouping thousands: commas are used
for decimal points and periods are used to separate the groups of zeros. The number
“21.7” would be written “21,7” in Spanish and would be read
veintiuno punto siete.
Ordinal Numbers
While we use cardinal numbers to count things, we use “ordinal numbers” to put things in order
(such as the order in which runners finish a race). Here are the Spanish ordinal numbers:

primero |
first |

segundo |
second |

tercero |
third |

cuarto |
fourth |

quinto |
fifth |

sexto |
sixth |

séptimo |
seventh |

octavo |
eighth |

noveno |
ninth |

décimo |
tenth |

undécimo / decimoprimero |
eleventh |

duodécimo / decimosegundo |
twelfth |

décimo tercero |
thirteenth |

décimo cuarto |
fourteenth |
etc. |
etc. |
--- |
--- |

vigésimo |
twentieth |

vigésimo primero |
twenty-first |

vigésimo segundo |
twenty-second |
etc. |
etc. |
--- |
--- |

trigésimo |
thirtieth |

cuadragésimo |
fortieth |

quincuagésimo |
fiftieth |

sexagésimo |
sixtieth |

septuagésimo |
seventieth |

octogésimo |
eightieth |

nonagésimo |
ninetieth |

centésimo |
hundredth |

milésimo |
thousandth |

último |
last |
- When used as adjectives, all of the ordinals agree in gender
with the noun they modify, therefore “-o” endings change to “-a”
with feminine nouns. For example: la segunda casa, su tercera
novia, mi última tarea.
- The ordinals primero and tercero are shortened to primer and tercer when used with masculine nouns. For example; en primer lugar, en
tercer grado. This is only true of primero and tercero.
- When an ordinal prefix ending in -imo is combined with octavo one of the o’s is dropped to avoid repeating the same sound, e.g. decimoctavo.
- Ordinals are not typically used with dates; use cardinal numbers instead: Hoy es el quince de enero.
- We often use a sort of shorthand abbreviation for ordinals in English 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. We can do something similar in Spanish 1º, 2º,
3º, etc. (or 1ª, 2ª, 3ª, etc. if feminine)
express Spanish fractions the following way:

un entero |
a whole (1/1) |

una mitad |
half (1/2) |

dos tercios |
thirds (2/3) |

tres cuartos |
three quarters (3/4) |

cuatro quintos |
fifths (4/5) |

cinco sextos |
five sixths (5/6) |

seis séptimos |
six sevenths (6/7) |

siete octavos |
seven eighths (7/8) |

ocho novenos |
eight ninths (8/9) |

nueve décimos |
nine tenths (9/10) |
--- |
--- |

onceavos |
elevenths |

doceavos |
twelfths |

treceavos |
thirteenths |

catorceavos |
fourteenths |

quinceavos |
fifteenths |

dieciseisavos |
sixteenths |

diecisieteavos |
seventeenths |

dieciochoavos |
eighteenths |

diecinueveavos |
nineteenths |

veinteavos |
twentieths |
--- |
--- |

centavos |
hundredths |
From “fourths” to “tenths” we simply use ordinal numbers. From “elevenths” to “twentieths” we use cardinal numbers with the suffix -avo. Beyond “twentieths” we simply use an ordinal number with the word parte. E.g.: un trigésimo parte.
Note: Multiples can also have masculine and feminine forms: cuádruplo, cuádrupla.
We use “multiplicatives” to make multiples out of a number. Spanish multiples are similar to the English:

doble |
double |

triple |
triple |

cuádruple |
quadruple |

quíntuple |
quintuple |

séxtuple |
sextuple |

séptuple |
septuple |

óctuple |
octuple |

nónuplo |
nonuple |

décuplo |
decuple |
etc. |
etc. |
Precentages are written the same way in Spanish as they are in English. The word “percent” is por ciento in Spanish.

6 por ciento |
6 percent (6%) |

75 por ciento |
75 percent (75%) |

99 por ciento |
99 percent (99%) |
- When writing
checks in Spanish it is acceptable (and a good idea) to write “un mil”
rather than the grammatically correct “mil” to ensure that no one alters
the check amount.
- Writing “two or three” in Spanish looks like
this, “2 o 3,” and could possibly be confused with “203.”
Because of this the “or” is sometimes accented to avoid confusion: “2 ó
3.” (As handwriting is being replaced by technology, the need to do this is diminishing.)