How to Use Por and Para


Learning Spanish would be a lot easier if it were simply a matter of translating word for word. But as you’ve doubtless seen already there are many instances where it’s much more complicated than that. Often one word in English could be translated two different ways in Spanish (ser and estar for example) and vice versa. Spanish prepositions are a trouble spot as many of them have two or more meanings in English. Perhaps the most notorious Spanish prepositions are por and para. They can both mean “for” and it’s not easy to know which one to use. Additionally, as you will see, they can both have other translations. Por and para can be difficult, but it’s also important to learn the proper usage of each word.

Para is used less often and has fewer rules to learn, so we’ll start there.

When to Use Para

Generally speaking para is the more specific of the two prepositions and is often used with destinations, gifts, deadlines, purposes, and opinions.

Specific Location

Para is used to identify a specific location or destination:

Nos vamos para Madrid.
We’re leaving for Madrid.

Caminó para la playa.
She walked to (headed for) the beach.

¿Para dónde vas?
Where are you going?

Gift / Benefit

Para is used to identify the recipient of a gift or express that something is for someone’s benefit:

Compraron el libro para Raúl.
They bought the book for Raúl. (The book was a gift.)

Benito jugó para Ricardo.
Benito played for Ricardo. (He dedicated the game to Ricardo.)

Trabajaba para Juana.
I worked for Juana. (Juana was my boss.)

El concierto fue para los granjeros.
The concert was for the farmers. (It was a benefit concert.)


Para is used to express a specific time frame or deadline:

La tarea para jueves es leer capítulo tres.
The homework for Thursday is to read chapter three.

Necesitamos tu respuesta para el viernes.
We need your response by Friday.


Para is used to express someone’s opinion or judgment:

Para mí el fútbol es el mejor deporte.
For me soccer is the best sport.

La clase de francés es fácil para ella.
French class is easy for her.


Para is used to express a purpose, a use, or a goal. When coupled with an infinitive para means “in order to”:

Es una caja para joyas.
It’s a box for jewelry.

Fue al supermercado para comprar cigarrillos.
He went to the supermarket in order to buy cigarettes.

¿Para qué estudia tanto?
Why (for what purpose) does she study so much?

Estudia para ser abogada.
She studies in order to be a lawyer.

Other Uses of Para

Note: Don’t confuse the para conjugation of the verb parar (“to stop”) with the preposition.

Para is used in incongruous descriptions (when something is different from what is expected):

Es bajo para su edad.
He is short for his age.

Para niña, habla bien.
For a child, she speaks well.

When used with estar, para means “to be about to” or “to be ready to”:

Estamos para almorzar.
We’re about to eat lunch.

Ahora está para escuchar.
He’s ready to listen now.

There is also a handful of para expressions:

para entonces
by that time

para que
so that

para siempre

para variar
for a change

That takes care of para, what about por?

When to Use Por

Note: Over the years the phrase “por a” became the modern para.

Por occurs much more often in Spanish and has a bewildering variety of uses and translations. Por is the more general or vague of the two prepositions and it is often used with locations, exchanges, and times.

Approximate Location

Por is used to express an approximate location or movement through, along, or around something:

Estacioné mi coche por aquí.
I parked my car around here.

Paseábamos por Madrid.
We strolled all around Madrid.

Caminaba por la playa.
She walked up and down the beach.


Por is used to express an exchange, a substitution, or a purchase:

Compraron el libro por Raúl.
They bought the book for Raúl. (Raúl couldn’t go to the store.)

Benito jugó por Ricardo.
Benito played for Ricardo. (Ricardo was injured.)

Trabajé por Juana.
I worked for Juana. (Juana was sick.)

Te doy $20 por esa gorra.
I’ll give you $20 for that hat.

¿Cuánto pagaste por tu computadora?
How much did you pay for your computer?

Approximate Time

Por is used to express an approximate or indefinite time frame:

Salgo por la mañana.
I leave in the morning.

Mirábamos la televisión por la noche.
We would watch television at night.

Duration of Time / Distance

Note: You may also use durante for times or distances: Sigue el camino durante tres millas.

Por is used to express a duration of time or distance:

¿Caminaste por treinta minutos?
You walked for thirty minutes?

Viví en España por tres meses.
I lived in Spain for three months.

Sigue el camino por tres millas.
Follow the road for three miles.

Note: Por is used for duration of time but para siempre means “forever.”


Por is used to indicate the cause, motive, or reason for an action:

No podemos practicar por la nieve.
We can’t practice because of the snow.

Recibió un castigo por llegar tarde.
She received a punishment for arriving late.

Fue al supermercado por cigarrillos.
He went to the supermarket for cigarettes.

¿Por qué estudia tanto?
Why (for what reason) does she study so much?


Por is used to express manner or means of transportation or communication:

Pablo viajaba por tren.
Pablo traveled by train.

Marta me llamó por teléfono.
Marta called me on the phone.

Eduardo le pidió por Snapchat.
Eduardo asked her via Snapchat.

Other Uses of Por

See also: The Passive Voice

Por is used with to express a cause or an agent of action in passive voice sentences:

Las chozas fueron destruidas por el viento.
The huts were destroyed by the wind.

Por is used to express support or to mean “on behalf of”:

¡Voto por Manuel Rosales!
I’m voting for Manuel Rosales!

Trabaja por la gente sin hogar.
She works on behalf of the homeless.

Por is used when expressing gratitude or regret:

¡Gracias por tu ayuda!
Thanks for your help!

Perdóneme por mis acciones.
Forgive me for my actions.

When used with estar, por means “to be in favor of” or inclined to do something:

Estamos por almorzar.
We’re in favor of having lunch.

When used with an infinitive por indicates an uncompleted action or that something remains to be done:

Hay mucho trabajo por hacer.
There’s much work to be done.

Por is used with units of measurement:

Compramos gasolina por galón.
We buy gasoline by the gallon.

Por is used as the equivalent of the English word “per”:

Ellas viajaban 100 millas por día.
They traveled 100 miles per day.

Por is used to signify multiplication:

Tres por tres son nueve.
Three times three is nine.

Por is also used in dozens of expressions such as:

por ciento

por cierto

por completo

por ejemplo
for example

por eso

por favor

por fin
at last

por lo general
in general

por lo menos
at least

por lo tanto

por lo visto

por poco
almost, nearly

por suerte

por supuesto
of course

por un lado
on the one hand

por último

Buscar, Esperar, Pedir, and Pagar

You may be tempted to use either por or para after the verbs buscar (to look for), esperar (to wait for), or pedir (to ask for) but you shouldn’t. Remember that the “for” is built-in to each of these verbs so adding por or para would be redundant. Just add the direct object immediately after the verb instead:

Busco un apartamento.
I’m looking for an apartment.

Esperan el autobús.
They are waiting for the bus.

Me pidió un favor.
She asked me for a favor.

Generally speaking, you don't need to add por (or para) after the verb pagar which is typically translated “to pay for”:

¿Pagaste la cena?
Did you pay for dinner?

But if you're emphasizing that one thing was exchanged for another, it is appropriate to include por:

¿Cuánto pagaste por la cena?
How much did you pay for dinner?

¡Pagué $250 por la cena!
I paid $250 for dinner!